From wineries to sustainable bioplastics –
ReVino creates eco-friendly solutions for a better tomorrow.
Our story
At ReVino, we see more than waste; we see opportunity. We’ve transformed these humble byproducts of the winemaking world into something extraordinary – bioplastic products that are not only functional and beautifully designed but also sustainable and kind to our planet.
Imagine drinking your favorite wine or champagne at a festival, on the beach, or by the pool, from a glass made from the very wineries that gave life to your drink. That’s ReVino. Our products embody a story of transformation, turning winemaking waste into high-quality bioplastics, blending aesthetic design, functionality, and sustainability.
Our innovation is powered by cutting-edge technology, enabling us to create products that are cooler, greener, and more affordable than traditional plastics. We’re not just competing with industry giants; we’re carving out a new niche, reshaping industries, and proving that sustainability can be elegant, profitable, and impactful.
The demand for solutions like ours is soaring as the world pivots toward greener, smarter choices. The opportunity is massive, and the time to act is now. Join us in turning discarded grapes into a toast to the future—one glass, one story, one planet at a time. This is ReVino.
Our Why
To develop and implement innovative solutions that connect the wine industry with the circular economy. By transforming winemaking waste into cutting-edge bioplastic products, we unite sustainability, functionality, and aesthetic appeal.
To become a globally recognized company that innovatively transforms winemaking waste into high-value, sustainable bioplastic solutions.
Company values: sustainability, innovation, circular economy, quality. Team values Passion, positivity, perseverance, patience.
Advantages of ReVino products
Made from recycled grape skins, ReVino bioplastics reduce reliance on traditional plastics and support a circular economy.
Fully biodegradable, leaving no harmful residues and contributing to reduced waste and a lower carbon footprint.
Durable and practical for a broad range of products, all while remaining environmentally friendly.
Elegant, natural appearance reflecting sustainability and environmental responsibility.
Ideal for packaging, cosmetics, food products, agriculture, and other industries seeking sustainable materials.
Sustainability and environmental impact
Our technology enables up to 60% lower CO₂ emissions compared to traditional plastic production methods.
Each year, we recycle up to 10.000 tons of grape skins,preventing it from becoming landfill.
ReVino bioplastic products degrade in nature 50% faster than most conventional plastics.
More than 90% of our raw materialsare sourced locally, reducing the need for long transportation routes and additional emissions.
Our bioplastic production process uses up to 30% less energycompared to conventional plastic manufacturing.
Innovative technologies
Provides precise market predictions and facilitates effective matchmaking with investors and partners to ensure project success.
Optimizes production processes, predicts demand trends, and measures sustainability impact.
Ensures transparent traceability from vineyard waste to final bioplastic products.
Postopek razvoja produkta
Uporabljamo napredne tehnologije, kot so blockchain za sledljivost, analitiko podatkov za optimizacijo procesov in umetno inteligenco za zmanjšanje odpadkov ter energijske porabe. S tem zagotavljamo trajnostno in učinkovito predelavo vinarskih odpadkov v bioplastiko ter postavljamo nove standarde v industriji..
Zbiranje tropin
Sušenje in mletje
Ekstrakcija polifenolev
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Oblikovanje in strjevanje
Končni produkt
Business Developement
Product Developement
Supply Chain
Circular Economy
Marketing & Creative